B i o g r a p h y
Born in Germany in 1986, Kalyani grew up in the beautiful Black Forest Region with it's tall, slender firs, old farm houses and wine hills. Her love for music became apparent and was supported from early childhood on, as music and performing arts played an integral part at the Rudolph Steiner Kindergarten and School she visited. At 9 years of age, she started learning the violin, which she continued until her graduation from school some 10 years later.
It was also during her teenage years that Kalyani met her spiritual guide and Master, Paramahamsa Sri Swami Vishwananda, and decided to follow His Path of love and devotion (Bhakti Marga). After she had graduated from high school, she moved into His ashram, which was then a small community in a sleepy little village in the Hunsrueck region of Germany. She gained new experiences by working in the event- and hotel department of the ashram, the community kitchen and the media team. Every day, mornings and evenings, the community would come together to pray, sing and meditate together. The community grew steadily, and so did Kalyani's love for Devotional Music. In 2008, a new, much bigger Ashram was established, and she became the Coordinator for the Temple, and for the music department. In 2009, she travelled to Poone, India for a few weeks, in order to deepen her understanding of Classical Indian Music.
"It was a great opportunity, blessing and also challenge, to handle the big responsibilities that came with these positions- and even though I was in no way perfect at executing my duties, I felt they were the perfect platform to bring experiences into my life, that helped me to see, understand and accept - myself and others - with more humility, love and compassion"

During these years, Kalyani was part of many musical events, concerts and workshops, and also recorded, together with many other Bhakti Marga Musicians, a few CD's.
In 2012, Kalyani felt the urge to "move out into the world", and traveled to the United States, where, together with friends, she toured the west coast and held several Kirtan events and workshops. After the tour had ended a few weeks later, she decided to settle down in the Bay Area, and began studying Chinese Medicine and Acupressure at Berkeley's Acupressure Institute. After six years of living and learning in the Bay Area as well as Los Angeles, Kalyani has returned to Germany where she is currently working as a flight attendant and Spiritual Life Coach. Together with her partner, Samuel T. Klemke, she continues to support the music department in her gurus's spiritual center near Frankfurt, as well as giving singing lessons, concerts and seminars based on devotional singing and kirtan, blending traditional Indian music with Western influences and focussing on finding and developing one's voice through ancient Raaga Meditation, gentle voice training and connecting with one's inner Divinity through the practice of loving devotion in the form of singing.